Plans for the Future You should always base this, or any other purchasing decision, on the product as it is available to you at this time. Plans for the future are great, but that's all they are; plans. However, having said that, I use Black Night as well and I can think of several things that would make it more useful for me, so you may be interested as well. These things include: • PowerMac native, • built in MacTCP/Telnet Driver, • built in Kermit Driver, • built in CompuServe B, Quick B Driver • built in MIME encoder, • built in MIME decoder, • built in BINHEX decoder, • built in AppleSingle encoder, • built in AppleSingle decoder, • built in Chat Terminal. I also think that this "Black Night Reference" dialog could do with a bit of jazzing up so I'll probably be working on that too !